Advanced Seminar: Solid State Physics / Materials Science

Course 65576

Fri 10:15 – 11:45 a.m. in the Lecture Hall 2 (not Seminarraum 2), Helmholtzweg 5 (Gelbes Haus)

Should the pandemic situation require it, a ZOOM link will be sent to the registered participants in due time.

The advanced seminar for the specialization in Solid State Physics / Materials Science for M.Sc. Physics starts upon registration and assignment of topics on 20.10.2023.

  • Each participant of the seminar shall choose in advance one of the offered topics as well as a second choice from the list below. The topics will be assigned during the introductory session. Afterwards, please independently (!) contact the specified superviser.
  • The presentations (20 ± 2 min lecture, 10 min discussion) will probably take place from mid-November in the advanced seminar. Dates will be coordinated and announced in good time, as all participants (at least 80% participation is a prerequisite for module completion) as well as the supervising university teachers should be present. Available dates are listed in the table below. Depending on the total number of participants, there will be 3 presentations per date.
  • The presentation language can be German or English. Please note the hints on the preparation and evaluation of the presentations (Allgemeine Bemerkungen zu Vorträgen und Bewertungskriterien Oberseminar.pdfpdf, 289 kb · de, in German only)
  • Please bring your own laptop to give your presentation. The compatibility of laptop and beamer must be checked no later than one day before the presentation!
  • Available and unavailable time slots are listed below. There should be 2 (preferably) to 3 (at most) presentations per appointed day! Please coordinate your final appointments via mail to Prof Dr. Torsten Fritz (
  • The presentation have then to be submitted as a term paper (only electronically!) and is part of the successful participation.

Dates and topics can be found in the corresponding moodle room!